
Friday, November 06, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts this week. Instead of a daily outfit, lets discuss giveaways. I think this an amazing way to get your blog out there, as well as other online shops. Each time some new blog has a giveaway, I fall in love with not only their blog but the online shop who is sponsering it. Case in point, Bijo's FreshPicks is having a giveaway for a Ruche giftcard. Awesome! Took a look at their clothing and within a few moments I already had almost ten things I really want. I had to close the site for fear I would spend my hard earned money. But winning the giftcard would be awesome!


  1. Wow- I had not heard of Ruche before and holy cow their clothes are fantastic! Thanks for the tip! And as for give-aways, I also like them for the fact that you find blogs and shops you never knew existed and might not have found otherwise.

  2. Hey girls- Just an FYI: I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog this week, so stop by if you have a chance!


Thanks for commenting! We love reading each and every one! Hope you have a great day :)

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